7. Mutate


Patrick Spauster

Video Tutorial


Mutate is an incredibly powerful tool to create new columns and new variables.

Let’s grab our code to read in the clean dataframe

fhv_clean <- read_csv(file = "For_Hire_Vehicles__FHV__-_Active.csv") %>% 
  clean_names() %>% 
  rename(hybrid = veh)

We create a new column with mutate by setting the name of our new column and a new value

fhv_clean %>% 
  mutate(city = "New York City")
# A tibble: 98,318 × 24
   active vehicle_license_number name               license_type expiration_date
   <chr>  <chr>                  <chr>              <chr>        <chr>          
 1 YES    5608977                AMERICAN,UNITED,T… FOR HIRE VE… 04/30/2025     
 2 YES    5645622                RAMA,ILIR          FOR HIRE VE… 09/11/2023     
 3 YES    5192507                ORDONEZ,ELIAS      FOR HIRE VE… 03/08/2025     
 4 YES    5378856                RIVERA,ENMA        FOR HIRE VE… 11/12/2024     
 5 YES    5852121                A/VA,SERVICE,CORP  FOR HIRE VE… 04/11/2024     
 6 YES    5415237                REYES,JUAN,E       FOR HIRE VE… 10/31/2023     
 7 YES    5643301                BEGUM,TAZMINUR     FOR HIRE VE… 09/30/2025     
 8 YES    5701439                GONZALEZALVARADO,L FOR HIRE VE… 06/13/2024     
 9 YES    5790931                GOMEZ,JOSE,A       FOR HIRE VE… 05/23/2025     
10 YES    5743759                HOSSAIN,SM,KAMAL   FOR HIRE VE… 12/08/2024     
# ℹ 98,308 more rows
# ℹ 19 more variables: permit_license_number <chr>,
#   dmv_license_plate_number <chr>, vehicle_vin_number <chr>,
#   wheelchair_accessible <chr>, certification_date <chr>, hack_up_date <chr>,
#   vehicle_year <dbl>, base_number <chr>, base_name <chr>, base_type <chr>,
#   hybrid <chr>, base_telephone_number <chr>, website <chr>,
#   base_address <chr>, reason <chr>, order_date <lgl>, …

You can create multiple new columns (...) at once

fhv_clean %>% 
  mutate(city = "New York City",
         active = TRUE) #I can overwrite column names too. I've made this active column boolean (true or false)
# A tibble: 98,318 × 24
   active vehicle_license_number name               license_type expiration_date
   <lgl>  <chr>                  <chr>              <chr>        <chr>          
 1 TRUE   5608977                AMERICAN,UNITED,T… FOR HIRE VE… 04/30/2025     
 2 TRUE   5645622                RAMA,ILIR          FOR HIRE VE… 09/11/2023     
 3 TRUE   5192507                ORDONEZ,ELIAS      FOR HIRE VE… 03/08/2025     
 4 TRUE   5378856                RIVERA,ENMA        FOR HIRE VE… 11/12/2024     
 5 TRUE   5852121                A/VA,SERVICE,CORP  FOR HIRE VE… 04/11/2024     
 6 TRUE   5415237                REYES,JUAN,E       FOR HIRE VE… 10/31/2023     
 7 TRUE   5643301                BEGUM,TAZMINUR     FOR HIRE VE… 09/30/2025     
 8 TRUE   5701439                GONZALEZALVARADO,L FOR HIRE VE… 06/13/2024     
 9 TRUE   5790931                GOMEZ,JOSE,A       FOR HIRE VE… 05/23/2025     
10 TRUE   5743759                HOSSAIN,SM,KAMAL   FOR HIRE VE… 12/08/2024     
# ℹ 98,308 more rows
# ℹ 19 more variables: permit_license_number <chr>,
#   dmv_license_plate_number <chr>, vehicle_vin_number <chr>,
#   wheelchair_accessible <chr>, certification_date <chr>, hack_up_date <chr>,
#   vehicle_year <dbl>, base_number <chr>, base_name <chr>, base_type <chr>,
#   hybrid <chr>, base_telephone_number <chr>, website <chr>,
#   base_address <chr>, reason <chr>, order_date <lgl>, …

Mutate with logical expressions

Where mutate gets powerful is when you use it with logical expressions. Here we use if_else()

fhv_rideshare <- fhv_clean %>% 
  mutate(rideshare = if_else(
    condition = base_name == "UBER USA, LLC",
    true = "rideshare",
    false = "limo"
  )) #if it's an uber call it rideshare, if its a limo call it something else
#notice I named the arguments here! A good practice when the argument is not ...

Tabulate the variable we made with the count() funtion

fhv_rideshare %>% 
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  rideshare     n
  <chr>     <int>
1 limo      21608
2 rideshare 76710

What if we have more than one logical expression we care about? Check out case_when.

fhv_blackcar <- fhv_clean %>% 
    ride_type = case_when(
      base_name == "UBER USA, LLC" & base_type == "BLACK-CAR" ~ "BLACK CAR RIDESHARE",
      base_name != "UBER USA, LLC" & base_type == "BLACK-CAR" ~ "BLACK CAR NON-RIDESHARE",
      TRUE ~ base_type #if it doesn't meet either condition, return the base_type

Use & and | for and and or logical expressions with multiple conditions

fhv_blackcar %>% 
  count(ride_type)#now we have four categories!
# A tibble: 4 × 2
  ride_type                   n
  <chr>                   <int>
3 LIVERY                   3652
4 LUXURY                   1731

Normalizing with Mutate

You can use statistical functions like mean to normalize data with mutate. mean will return the average of all the vehicle years. You can use mutate to generate a new variable that takes the distance from each observation to the mean.

fhv_clean %>% 
  mutate(year_norm = vehicle_year/mean(vehicle_year, na.rm = T),
         year_pct = percent_rank(vehicle_year)) %>% 
  select(vehicle_license_number, vehicle_year, year_norm, year_pct)
# A tibble: 98,318 × 4
   vehicle_license_number vehicle_year year_norm year_pct
   <chr>                         <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 5608977                        2015     0.998   0.120 
 2 5645622                        2022     1.00    0.797 
 3 5192507                        2016     0.999   0.212 
 4 5378856                        2018     1.00    0.440 
 5 5852121                        2019     1.00    0.552 
 6 5415237                        2012     0.997   0.0225
 7 5643301                        2015     0.998   0.120 
 8 5701439                        2016     0.999   0.212 
 9 5790931                        2017     0.999   0.313 
10 5743759                        2021     1.00    0.714 
# ℹ 98,308 more rows